Due Diligence Questionnaire for TPIs

This information is to assist E.ON Energy Solutions Ltd on the suitability of conducting business with your company.

This application includes E.ON carrying out a credit check which involves obtaining data from external agencies. To do this E.ON will check our own records and records held with credit reference and fraud prevention agencies. The credit reference agency may register a record of this search, which may be seen by other lenders. We may also provide your payment performance details to our credit reference agency.

To avoid unnecessary delays to your applications please ensure all sections are completed in full.


  1. Company Information
  2. TPI Code of Practice
  3. References
  4. Declaration and Credit Check
  5. Signatures

Key contact at the company

Section 1: Company Information


Main Registered Office


Additional Registered Office

Company Reg Number and Directors


If you are a Sole trader or Non Ltd company please provide proprietors full name and address details including postcode for a blended credit check. If your accounts are not made up; please provide the Directors home address for credit check


Does the company use any other trading names or corporate names as well as the name given in Company Name section above?

NameReason for different nameDate name became effective (dd/mm/yyyy)

Does the company currently have a Supply Licence or is planning on applying for a Supply Licence in the future?

Please confirm the number of years experience the company has of selling in the utility market?


Are your accounts availables from Companies House?

Please confirm what associations you have with any other organisations and suppliers in the utility market. (Answer to include previous and current associations). Please also include details if you owned, directed or managed another brokerage or consultancy firm.


Please confirm if you use other Third Party Intermediaries to submit contracts or "Sub-Brokers" who sell contracts

TPI Business NameDirector(s) Name(s)Contact NameTelephone Number

Note: Listed TPI’s or "Sub-brokers" will not be credit checked. However, prior to any agreement, E.ON may ask you to provide a copy of your Credit Policy to minimise risk where possible.

Legal status of the company


Please complete the below questions

  • the question number the event refers to;
  • the date of the event;
  • any amounts involved;
  • the outcome; and
  • an explanation of the circumstances.










Section 2: The TPI Code of Practice

Third Parties






Staff Records


Sales Material






Responsible Selling



Relevant Laws and Regulations


Data Protection






Change of Tenancy


Supply Contracts and Submission



Customer Contracts and Consent


Sales Commission






System and Controls


Roles and Responsibilities Systems and controls



Section 3: Sales volumes and services





Section 4: References

Please provide 2 references (cannot be E.ON representatives):

Company NameContact NameTelephone Number

Section 5: Declaration and Credit Check

This consent also gives E.ON the right to carry out further credit checks while your company is still under Agreement with us, by checking this box, you confirm that you give E.ON permission to perform a credit check.

I confirm that E.ON can perform a credit check.
© E.ON 2024